Dr Joel Lisk

Space and Technology Law Researcher

Dr Joel Lisk researches the laws applicable to ​private and commercial activities in new ​operating domains with a particular focus on ​the use of outer space. Joel’s research ​specifically focuses on how domestic laws are ​designed and their consequential impacts on ​commercial activities. Joel is a qualified ​lawyer, having previously worked in the areas ​of consumer and competition law, privacy and ​data, not-for-profits, and complex regulatory ​regimes. Joel continues to provide advice in ​these areas. Joel is also the Secretary of the ​Space Law Council of Australia and New ​Zealand having been a founding Director.

Selected Work and Outputs

Data Security in Australia: The Obligation to Protect

Published in the Australian Law Journal, this article explores the practical application of the Australian Privacy Principles and the obligation to protect personal information.

Changes to Australia’s Space Regulation 2023

In this Blog for the Space Law Council of Australia and New Zealand, Joel describes the 2023 changes to Australia’s regulations for the launch and return of rockets

The Obligation to Protect: AUstralian Law and the Requirement to protect information

In this short Policy Perspective paper, Joel explores Australia’s data protection laws and areas for potential future change.

The "Give Way Agreement" - The Future of Oribtal Coordination?

In this Article, Joel investigates the use of a 'Give Way Agreement' for avoiding collisions in space between satellites and other assets of different states and private companies.

Watch this space: The Development of commercial space law in Australia and New Zealand

Article written by Joel Lisk and Prof Melissa de Zwart on the domestic legal frameworks for space activities in Australia and New Zealand.

Low Earth Orbit, Satellite Constellations and Regulation

Report prepared by Prof Melissa de Zwart and Joel Lisk on the legal and regulatory challenges for LEO now and into the future.

Emerging provisions of domestic space law

Presentation at the 2019 International Astronautical Congress on common provisions used in new or heavily reformed domestic legal frameworks applicable to space activities.

Podcast: Joel Lisk breaks down space law regulations

Joel joined the Space Connect podcast to talk more about space law and regulation, and how this impacts on space operations.

INTERVIEW: As Space Junk Increases - Should we be worrying?

Joel provided comments to Steve Trask on the role of regulation on the issue of space debris for SBS News - News in Depth.

Want to discuss legal advice with Joel? Head over to Lisk Legal to learn more.

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